Sunday, January 31, 2010

Author's Post: Jan 31, 2010

It's been awhile since I've updated. Months actually. In the last few months I've been busy going through school and such. But, here's a small update tonight. I have bought Rune Factory Frontier for th wii, and I'm thinking of buying Animal Parade or Tree of Tranquility soon. Not sure which to buy first though.

In other news, I've started writing again. I fallen back into pace and came up with a new fan fiction called Sara. I'm loosely basing it off of Harvest Moon GBC3.

Sara: It was a beautiful night tonight. It always was in Flower Bud Village. Yet, he knew the task he accepted was now altered in ways he never imagined. All because of one girl, Sara.
Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort
Rated: T for Teen.

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