Saturday, September 20, 2008

Author's Post [IoH]

I'm too lazy to play, because of the darn Yam Festival (crop festival). Felicia is so determined on having the festival.

Also, I have viewed Sabrina's blue heart event. As many of you know the guide states the time frame for the event is between noon and five, but I couldn't trigger the event until 3pm.

I always thought that event was based on her painting or something, not of her doing her father's work. I feel sorry for the poor girl. I know, many people love Vaughn. But, he's probably why I'm boycotting Chelsea at the moment... Heh... me boycotting a video game character, fun.

But, it makes me want to write on how Regis is an "abusive" father. I actually believe that... besides him being a vampire. But, we'll see...

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