Monday, September 8, 2008

Summer, Year Two [IoH]

I've finally got Natalie up to yellow heart, Julia up to green, and Lanna up to blue. Everyone else (who is a bachelorette) is still at black heart. And we know Chelsea will take some time.

Actually, Sabrina is close to a purple heart...


[Summer 26] In other news, I finally unlocked all the main characters. In doing so I barely unlocked the Fireworks festival. It was a pleasant surprise, but I didn't know who I wanted to share it with. Natalie had been on Green Heart for more than a month now, and Julia had just entered Green. So, I decided to do them both. That's when Natalie's heart level rose to Yellow.

[Summer 28] The last festival of the month was a crop festival. I was so afraid that I wouldn't have any corn left. I shipped [almost] all the corn the day before. I was so peeved, and I didn't want to reload the game again. to my surprise, there was a corn of husk (?) still on one of the plants that I forgot to pick. With that husk of corn, I won the season's crop Festival. Next season's crop: Yams.

Wonderful obtained: Indigo Wonderful- increases number of wonderful slots.

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