Sunday, September 28, 2008

Spring Days [IoH]

[Spring 9, Year 3] Sigh... Work continues and doesn't let up. This morning I found Natalie in the barn, milking the cows, and Julia in the chicken coop collecting the eggs. I have no clue what's going on. Yet, I don't want to know what's going on. Maybe I can ask Chen. He knows what's up.


[Spring 10, Year 3] I decided to pull the funds together and purchase my first lamb- Yosa. Sabrina called after I came back from the animal shoppe and asked to met her in the diner.


Sabrina- "H-hi M-Mark. T-Thank you for meeting me here. I-I'm sorry that this is such short notice but can you be my model?"

I blinked and wondered what was going on in that head of hers.

Mark-"Say what?"

She laughed and blushed.

Sabrina-"I wanted something to send to my cousin. She owns a library in Mineral Town. I am planning to send it back with Cliff."

Cliff was a loner. He wasn't like the others I met from Mineral Town. Which I guess is a good thing-- seeing how Popuri is. Childish. No wonder she isn't married. Anyway, I've seen Cliff hanging around my farm on Saturdays.

Mark- "U-um okay."

Sabrina smiled, grabbed my arm, and dragged me off towards her home where Chelsea was waiting.

Chelsea- "Ahoy Mark!"

Mark- "Hi Chelly."

Sabrina quickly explained what she was going to do and asked us to come back the next time it rains. We'd stay there all day. We'd agreed and went our separate ways.


[Spring 11-14, Year 3] Not much has happened these four days. Chelsea has come on by more often and helped me with the chores. She told me she has been feeling a bit bored with nothing to do. I don't know what to tell her. I guess I could hire her, or something. Oh some one's here.


That was Natalie. She asked me to go up to the mountain area. I guess it's okay. I'll give some more details later.


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