Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Still toiling around at the farm Claire?"- Popuri [MFoMT]

"Yes. Pop. I am. And, your still clueless as ever!" Claire says as she rolls her eyes.

[Winter 20, Year 3] I sold a chicken today. Didn't feel like spending 1k just for it to get better. We had a tornado blow threw town today. Cliff and I discussed baby names. He's hoping for a boy so he can go fishing with him, and teach him about the Winery. I don't want my child learning about wines! especially at a young age! I rather have a boy learning about the family business than wine. Personally, I hope it's a girl!


[Winter 21, Year 3] I went the long ways home to stop and talk to Gotz about upgrading the chicken coop, but when I got there it was all ready to late. He had all ready closed down for the day. I'm getting worried. I'm all ready bulging out badly and I probably can't do anymore soon. I wanted to talk to Cliff about this as I gotten home, but he was still at the Winery. And, I didn't want to have a big confrontation with Manna and Duke. I guess I'll have to wait it out...


[Winter 22, Year 3] Didn't talk to Gotz about upgrading the Chicken Coop. I have forgotten, I guess. We also sold our youngest chicken to Lillia. I'm starting to hate a tornado.


[Winter 23, Year 3] OMG! STARRY NIGHT FESTIVAL is tomorrow!!!


[Winter 24, Year 3] This just in! A new chick has been born on our farm! I've named it Starry after today's festival!Oh my god. The Starry Festival is tonight. Cliff has something planned I know it! I must foil his plans!


So, around 3pm I walked into the house and Cliff is standing on the other side of the table and there's food deck out on the table.

"It's Starry night festival Claire. Let's celebrate to us, and to our unborn child." he tells me as he walks over to me. I nod vigorously since I'm speechless. Sometimes, Cliff is all talk, and others... I think he's still a bit shy around me. I wish he wasn't though. But, I know I can't change anybody.


[Winter 27] Cold Winter. Warm Poultry barn, especially since an egg had hatched from days ago. We named the chick Courtlynn, after a famous singer's name from the City. Mineral Town had gotten a few Cd's on accident, but now the residents love her to death. I wonder who this Courtlynn is...


[Winter 30, Year 3] It's the End of Year Festival/ gathering. I still haven't talked to Gotz about updating the Chicken coop, and it won't happen this year. There is three hours left in the year! And, Gotz closed down for the day. Conan is a bit irritable. I haven't ridden him in some time, but there's always next year. I guess...


Awe, Ann was at the festival. She seemed sad, and upset. I guess she's not over what had happen year ago. I had married her one true love. I guess I shall explain...


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