Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy New Year... of problems [MFoMT]

[Spring 1, Year 4] Mayor Thomas stopped by today. I heard him and Cliff talking. I haven't been feeling well for some time now. It's mostly due to morning sickness. Cliff and I discussed something important last night. He doesn't want me working on the animals or the the crops. But, that's our incoming income for the next coming year! What am I suppose to do now? Stay in bed? That's psychically impossible.

At least I have letters to entertain me.

I wonder if Cliff saw this. It's a card from Gray and it's tear-stained. "Happy New Year! Hope you have a good year." -Gray

Gray... I'm still in love with thee..


[Spring 2, Year 4] I've been supervising Cliff around the farm, he has to do my chores before he heads off to the Winery. Plus, we also need to go into town today to pick up turnip, cucumber and potato seeds. He didn't even let me plant them, or water them.

"The baby is getting bigger. How's your back? If you need help, you tell me, okay? Come on take a break." he urges.


[Spring 4, Year 4] I fainted on the way from Bailey's today. I guess I should slow down or something. I would take Cliff's offer, but I'm so stubborn. I woke up in the blacksmith's shoppe in front of Gray and his grandfather. Gray immediately left after he knew I was okay. But, I saw the worry etched in his eyes. I asked Saibara what's the matter and he smiled sadly.

"He still cares."


[Spring 7- 15,Year 4] I haven't told Cliff anything of me fainting and ending up in the Blacksmith's shoppe. I wonder if anyone knows. Mary stopped by Spring 8th and told me about her problem. She's in love with Kai. I had to promise her not to tell Gray. I haven't yet. On the ninth, Manna took me to see Dr. Trent. I'm now on bed rest until the baby comes- which means Cliff will be here 24/7, since Duke had let Cliff take vacation. That's what I just need. Cliff told me he sold a chicken on the 11th. I don't know which one though. Manna been coming over nonstop and babies me way to much. On the fifteenth of Spring she came along with Duke and started cooking in our kitchen. It's annoys me actually...


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