Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Big News [MFoMT]

[Spring 17, Year 4] We have sad news to inform you. Vegas, one of our cows; has passed on. Cliff apparently didn't know that he was sick. In my weaken state, he wouldn't let me near the barn, as mention before. Poor Vegas. May you rest in peace.


[Spring 18, Year 4] As the days go by I will be missing more festivals. Today's the Horse Festival. Pregnancy is becoming a bitch for me. See, Conan (our horse) is the winner of the event and has to uphold his title. And, I don't know if Cliff knows how to ride a horse.


[Spring 19-20, Year 4] Not much happening. We got a few new animals- thanks to Bailey. We got a new cow, Dash; and a new sheep, Liza. Oddly enough they are named after Cliff's parents. I don't know much about my husband's past. All he told me was he's an orphan and he came to Mineral Town to get away from his foster family...


[Spring 21-23, Year 4] It's the cooking festival, and my due date is close!! In other news Cliff found Animal Medicine...


[Spring 24,Year 4] Chelsea. Our new baby girl. She was born at eight pounds, two ounces. She's a prefect girl. She was born at 2pm, in our farm house. Dr. Tent and Elli were here to deliver the baby. When I hold her I can't believe the greatest secret she holds. But that's all behind me now-


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