Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dates [IoH]

[Spring 15, Year 3] Natalie and I walked up the mountain. She was really shy. She looked away and sighed. I then pulled away from the fiery redhead.

Mark-"Natalie, what's wrong?"

She turned around, her big brown eyes starring straight at me.

Natalie-"D-Do you love me?"

My mouth feel open. She turned away and sniffled.

Natalie-"P-Pierre is right! I thought..."


She then began to run away from me, and I just starred, as soon as she was out of sight I started walking down the mountain thinking... What have I done?


I came home and laid my hands in my head last night. I didn't get much sleep last night, which would show when I work my butt off today. Watering, feeding the animals, picking crops-- I really need to hire an assistant. Maybe Chelly (Chelsea).


[Spring 16, Year 3]

Sabrina-"H-Hello, Mark. Hum, well, I don't know quite how to say this but I-I finished my work early, so I have plenty of free time. If your busy, you don't have to, of course, but I was thinking it would be nice to go somewhere with you Mark. Where do you want to go?"

Mark-"Where do you want to go?"

Sabrina-"Oh... well... I don't really get out much. Why don't you decide?"

I blinked.

Sabrina-"Oh... you can't decide where to go either, can you? M-maybe we should just walk around here. Does that sound nice?"

I nod.


We walked over to the well in the Eastern City.

Sabrina-"Wow. It's nice out here. I should get out more , shouldn't I?"

I nod again, eagerly.

Sabrina-"It must be so nice to work outdoors all day, helping plants grow! Well, do you want to keep walking to the sea?"

I nod.

Sabrina-"Okay! Let's go!"


We walked over to the Seaweed rock. The seaweed Rock gives seaweed once per day.

Sabrina-"Um... you might know about this, Mark. Do you know what this rock is? It looks unusual."

I nod, and she backs away from me.

Sabrina-"Oh! So this is the seaweed rock that people keep talking about? Now I know where I can find the best seaweed!"

We then walk to the middle of the beach and she turns to me.

Sabrina-"You really know a lot about nature, Mark. That was fun. Do you want to go out again sometime soon?"

I nod.

Sabrina-"I'll wait for our next date with bated breath! Thanks for today. I had a great time!"

I then watch as she walk away. The words from last night spinning in my head, What have I done?


[Spring 16, Year 3] Chelly and I met at the front of Sabrina's house. Chelly gave me a nervous smile, and I smiled back. I don't know why Chelly is so nervous. Maybe it's the same reason I am. I don't like being photographed. Almost never photograph-- I hate cameras.

Chelsea-"You hate this too."

I blinked and laughed. She was leaning on the fence outside of Regis's home. She then turn to me.

Chelsea-"Oh come on Mark. I see it in your eyes."


Mark-"Your right, Chelly. It's a real horrible story. I don't want to get into it right now."


Mark-"We should really ring the doorbell."


Sabrina-"T-thanks for coming."

Chelsea-"Your welcome. So, what is this idea of yours about?"

Sabrina-"Um, I can't tell you. I-I rather keep it a surprise."

I nodded, as I drank my tea.

Chelsea then turned to me, and smirked.

Chelsea-"Enjoying your tea Markie?"

I blushed and turned away. Sabrina laughed. Ah! Her laugh is like music to my ears.


My voice was too high and both girls laughed. I knew what was coming and I stormed out of there in the rain. I wasn't use being made fun of. I knew that's where it was headed. But, I heard a voice come from behind me. I looked up behind me and saw Sabrina running towards me.


Sabrina-"Mark what's wrong?"



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