Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Long Time Coming

[Summer 15- Summer 25, Year 3] This is ... tiring. We had a hurricane a week ago (more or less). And, I spent the next week cleaning the fields and taking care of the animals-- mostly the cows. The only other thing that I should mention was the Horse Festival, but we got in third place. Nothing spectacular.


[Summer 26, Year 3] Today was the Summer Fireworks festival. I walked out of my farm house promptly at five forty five and walked over to Regis' mansion. When he answered the door he starred at me wondering what I was doing there. And, then I heard her-- her angelic voice.

Sabrina (blushing)-" Mark! W-What are you doing here?"

Mark-"I was thinking... wanna walk to the Meadow together?"

Sabrina (still blushing)- " Um.."

This is when Regis butted in.

Regis-"No. She will not."


So, I walked alone. To the Meadow until I heard my name being called.

Sabrina- "Mark wait!"

I turned around and she was running towards me in a violet summer dress. Her curves fit the dress and then she tripped on a rock in the road. And, fell into my arms.

Mark- "..."

She looked up into my sea green eyes.

Sabrina- "Your eyes are like emeralds."

I blinked as I watched her. She held on tightly to me. I use this moment to say anything.

Mark- "Come again?"

She turned away and giggled. Then she realized what had happened and turned a bright red, as red as a tomato in my farm field!

Sabrina- "I mean..."

I then pulled her up onto her feet. She then tried running towards the Meadow, but I held onto her arm.

Mark- "Sabrinie?"

Sabrina- "Hm?"

Mark- "What is it?"

Sabrina- "Nothing. Nothing at all."


I swear girls are confusing.


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