Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mark the Loner [IoH]

[Spring 22- Summer 6, Year 3]
I made room for a brand spankin' new Maker Shed. Again, I will not be able to compete in the crop festival at the end of the month. But, I have a better goal set in mind. Buying three more feeders and sheep to sky rocket my profits in the Winter Season.

In other news, I haven't talked to anyone outside of my farm, besides Chen and Gannon. I know I still need to talk to Sabrina, but I'm afraid too. I've seen her once in the past few weeks. And, now with the Fireworks festival a couple of weeks away... I just don't know. And, she says she's leaving at the end of the year.


[Summer 7, Year 3] Chicken Festival. I entered with Bella. We didn't win though. We came in at second place. Which placed us at Novice Chicken Class. A shae it is. Oh well there's always next year!


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