Friday, February 6, 2009


[Fall 28, Year Three]

It's funny... being a married man. You's think your life changed. But, no it hasn't. I know I havent written in here for awhile. But, that's because I was busy helpping out with the planning. Yes, we wanted a simple wedding. But, it's not that all simple. Especially since I had to call Vaughn right away and tell him about Sabrina.

No, I didn't marry her. But,instead I married Natalie. She had always held my heart, ever since day one. We've been through thick and thin together (Felicia, Taro, Elliot, Nataile and I). When bad storms have come out-- they've always helpped me.

And, now I'm now an in-law. Scary thought.

I just hope I can live up to their expectations.


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