Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mark's Engaged!!!

[Fall 17, Year Three]

I... finally chose who I want to be with, and it isn't Sabrina. I can't believe the answer had always been here... since day one...


Natalie and I were walking up the mountain-- when I stopped in front of the Goddess Pond. Natalie stopped as well. I turned to her and smiled.

"Nat, how long have we known each other?" I asked.

She thought about about it. "About three years--give or take."

Mark nodded as he took off his hat. Natalie gasped. She had never saw him do this, and had Thought that he slept with it. Mark had hung the hat on his pants-- using a belt holder.

He nodded, and grabbed one of her hands. "What is it Mark?"

"I am in love with the most beautiful woman on the world. I knew when I first set my eyes on you I wanted to spend my life with you. Natalie Jonson will you marry me?"

Natalie stood there shocked. Wasn't he suppose to ask Sabrina? And, then it hit her. She had always been in Mark's heart--ever since spring, three years ago. She smiled and jumped into Mark's arms.


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