Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fanfiction: A Husk of Corn

A Husk of Corn
Summary:Claire comes to Mineral Town, not because she thought farming would be fun-- but to get away from her crazed ex-boyfriend, Justin. Throw in a bi-polar Gray, outgoing cousin Kai, and a bookworm Mary and she has friends the best friends any girl can have.

Read the entirety here.

[Day One- Monday]

The bells had rung at the local coffee shop, announcing to the bartenders that a customer had arrived. The visitor was an eight-teen old man; he took off his USHI cap, and brown uniform jacket. He then looked around and motioned the waiter to come and serve him.

Once he seated was had ordered coffee, and a bagel. He was in town to pick up some supplies for his grandfather. He sighed, as he poured the liquid hot coffee into his mouth as he read the morning paper, unaware of the woman who came into the shop, a few minutes after his coffee was serve.


She was dressed in khaki pants and a white dressed shirt. Her blond hair was in a low ponytail. She had taken off her blue overcoat, gloves and hung them by the shops door. She then looked around realizing there was at least one new person in her favorite café.

She waved at the barkeep as she walked up to order her usual bagel and coffee. She asked about the new guy, but the barkeep shrugged and said something about him being new. The blond nodded and looked down to her wrist, and realized she was running late. She thanked Carl (the barkeep) and was on her way to work.

[Day Two- Tuesday]

The blond returned the next day. She knew she would, she discarded her overcoat and gloves like the day before and sat at the bar, with the barkeep, Carl. Carl was a balding blond man. His eyes were brown and his hair was a dull blond. The two chatted, among themselves, before the door opened. Upon, opening the door had reveled the orange-red man who was in the shop the day before.

The blond smiled and stood up. She then waved good-bye to Carl. She had met her goal for today: See the man’s facial features. Then she left.

Carl didn’t say a word until she left, and then walked towards the young man in question. He sighed, as he got closer, and the asked the man if he was ready to order. The young man said he was and ordered the same things as yesterday.

Carl nodded and merely walked away. He was getting ready for what he knew was going to be a long day. Like yesterday, he knew; the blond would be back at five to grill him about the young man.


He had entered the establishment and his eyes had fallen on her. Her back was turned to him, and he all ready wondered who she was. But, he didn’t want to interrupt her when she was talking to the bartender. Yet, he noticed that when he sat down she was all ready halfway to the door.

He had missed his turn.

And, that’s when he noticed the bartender coming over to him. He, like the day before; had decided to order the same thing. It was always better safe than sorry. Or at least that’s what he thought. But, he wanted to get to know the blond more, but then there was always tomorrow.

[Day Three- Wednesday]

Carl sighed, as he begun washing the glasses that he left unwashed the night before. The blond hadn’t come till late the night before. She had told him she was held up at work, but didn’t disclose the real reason with him. He sighed, when he heard the door opened. He bet it was either the boy or the girl.

He looked out of the kitchen door’s window. It was neither. It was just another customer. He blinked, and went to take the order of the unnamed customer, and then went back to the kitchen to make the patron’s order.


They had entered at the same time; the red-orange haired man had opened the door for her, and she thanked him. She knew she was ten minutes behind schedule, but she really wanted to meet this individual. She had led him to a booth, and called Carl to take their orders.


Carl was shocked to see them, together and talking. He knew the blond had trouble with her past boyfriends—and they always did ended up dumping her. He was hoping this one wasn’t going to do anything harsh, or be the same as the other guys.


He was enjoying their morning talk that is until she has to go. He watched her, leave and smiled. She was like an angel sent down from heaven. But, he shook his head, and he to left the café.

[Day Four- Thursday]

She ran inside that morning, tears falling down. She immediately saw Carl and told him what had happened last night. It seemed one of her old boyfriends had shown up out of the blue yesterday, and asked her for forgiveness, but she wasn’t willing to give it to him. She had told him that she had canceled work today (called in sick).

She knew that he would be there, and demanding forgiveness and them to get back together. She didn’t want it. She was too afraid. And, Carl had customers that needed him. Yet, he saw the young man come in and motion him to his office, and sat the blond down.

He told him that he needed him to watch her for a few hours, and he agreed.


Unaware, what he was supposed to do, he took off his jacket and hat and tossed it onto the couch. The next thing he did was picked up the sobbing girl and sat her down on the same couch and began to softly talk to her.

“You all right?”

All right, perhaps that was the dumbest question to ask, but it got her to stop; her bright blue eyes laid on his gray ones.

“I-I’m…” she looked down to her hands. “I am not.” She said weakly.

She then went into her story on how her now ex boyfriend was obsessed with her. He had landed in jail after multiple warnings from her family, friends, and police. It had gotten so bad that she filed for a restraining order. He had never paid any much attention to it, so he landed in jail.

He whistled loudly, and sighed.

She then looked up at him. “Thank you though. I never thought I met someone as nice as you.”


She had fallen asleep a while ago, and he covered her with his jacket. He was pacing in the room wondering what he should do. On one hand, he wanted to help her. On the other, he knew he would have to leave the city tomorrow. He didn’t know what to do, so he sat down and put his head in his hands.

“Is she all right?” Carl asked moments later.

“I think so,” he said without even moving.

“Are you?” Carl asked.

“I—I’m fine.” He lied.

Carl knew he was lying, but didn’t say a thing since someone had rung the bell on the counter. Then was a deep masculine voice, which Carl turned around to. Then, started to walk back outside, but then stopped.

“Whatever happens don’t let her out of your sight.”

He starred at Carl, as Carl walked outside, and locked the door. Well, now that solves my problem… for now. He thought.

[Day Five- Friday]

She had run into the café crying. It wasn’t bad as yesterday where she and the guy she barely knew stayed in a room for four hours—because Justin decided to show up and decided to beat up Carl. Carl had a cast and sling around his left arm. He waved at her, as she sat down.

“I-I *sob* l-lost *sob* m-my job *sob*.”

She laid her head on the cold counter. She continued to cry. This was a bad week for her; she met a guy—granted she never did ask for his name. She had a confrontation with her ex-boyfriend, Justin, and the said guy tried to kill the barkeep.

“I need to get away from here,” she muttered to herself, as she looked up at Carl. She then looked around. Where was he? The man had orange-reddish hair, and gray eyes. Carl sadly smiled and laid the guy’s hat on the counter in front of her. On the hate was one word:


She laughed to herself and put the hat on. Then, she walked outside waving good-bye to Carl and bought a paper.

He awoke late this morning and ran around his hotel room cussing. He finally gave up a half an hour before checkout. He ran back to the café, to see if he left it there. But, as he was about to opened thedoor, that blond opened the door.

She was sniffling, but he couldn’t help but notice the hat on her head. His hat. He sighed, and put his hands in his pockets. He then walked towards the dock.

“Hey Gray!” Zack called.

Gray looked up. “Hey.”

Zack was a middle-aged man. He had a brown hair and eyes, and he was smoking a cigarette. Zack scratched his head, “Where’s your hat?”

But, Gray could only smile. He wanted to keep the blond a secret.

[Day Six- Saturday]

She arrived in the new town late at night. She sighed as she shifted her new hat. She had called the mayor yesterday. She sighed, as she walked down the street to the inn. She didn’t know where her new home was yet. And, the residents were starring, and laughing at her. To make matters worse—there were talking about the hat!

She opened the door, and a red-haired girl dropped the dishes. She then stared at the blond and then screamed.

“Dad! It’s her! The new farmer!”

The blond blinked. She then dropped her bags, as the redhead put her hands on her hips. She starred at the blond.

“That hat looks familiar,” she said.

And, that’s when the door slam.


He grumbled as he came in. Both girls turned to him, and he looked up—and froze.

“My hat!” he cried and tore it off the blond.

“You!” she had cried at the same time.

They starred at each other until he turned away. “I knew someone was moving in, but I never thought it would be you.” He said rather coldly.

The blond blinked. Memories of two days prior filled her mind. She gulped as she looked down. The redhead gasped.


But, he didn’t pay attention and walked upstairs.

[Day Seven- Sunday]

She sat frozen on her bed. Tears fell from her eyes, she had been crying, and talking to Carl. She shouldn’t have come here. She shouldn’t have. Even if it was to away from Justin, Ok so it was mostly to get away from him. She laughed bitterly, as she got up and got ready for the day.

A few minutes later someone had knocked the door.


The hot sun was making her a bit hot in her sweater. She was hoeing the ground, to plant this season’s seeds. She had gone and met the people in town, but didn’t stop by the Blacksmith Shoppe. She had all ready known that worked there, and she didn’t want a repeat of last night.

And, yet the said man had walked into her farm, followed by a brown beagle.


“Claire, right?” he asked.

She leaned on her hoe and watched him.

“Gray. What do you want?’ she said rather coldly.

He sighed. He knew last night was out of line, even for him—but his grandfather had been on his case yesterday.

“Look, about yesterday…”

“Save it,” Claire had said and starred at the pup.

He rolled his eyes. “Claire this is Elroy. I want you to have him.”

She looked up at him. “This isn’t—“


She then picked up the puppy and hugged him. Gray took it as his cue to leave.

“Gray,” she said stopping him. Thanks.”

He then tilted his hat and smiled.

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