Thursday, February 5, 2009

[Fall 10, Year Three]

Well, that's strange.

For the past several days, Natalie has been coming here early and helping me with my chores. I don't know why she's doing that. But, it sure is weird. She's always here, asking if I need help. She had even brought over the sheep, named Hikari. She, Julia and Elliot had came over with the sheep..

"Mark, are you home?" Julia called holding the rope that was loosely around the sheep's neck.

Elliot smiled and said, "Of course he is. Or else she's chasing my sister."

Julia laughed slightly. So, did Natalie. But, then Natalie fell silent as Mark came by holding a few crops and dairy products(carrots, eggplants, milk and eggs). Mark then looked at them.

"Hey guys, what's this?" He asked.

"A peace offering." Julia said as Elliot laughed.

Natalie didn't say a word. Mark sighed as his eyes fell on the sheep. "All right, bring 'er to the barn."

Julia and Elliot did so and Natalie stayed behind.

"You like her don't you?" Natalie begun.

"Like who?" Mark asked.


Mark sighed, as Natalie continued.

"What makes her better than me?"

Mark then turned around, "It's her father. I want her to be safe."

Natalie laughed bitterly and turned around. "See ya, Mark." she said sadly.


[Fall 11, Year Three]

She's right, you know. What does Sabrina have that Natalie doesn't. Book smarts? Yet, she lacks personality. I look for that more than anything else. Natalie, I love thee. More than you ever know. I'm so sorry. Sabrina came over today. This is so hard, picking one girl, above the rest.

"Hey Mark!"

"Hi," I said.

"You all right? You look out of it."

I swallowed. I'm fine. I just, need some time alone."

Sabrina smiled sadly and left.


See? That's the thing. I bought a blue feather awhile ago. It's been in the cupboard. And, everyday I take it out and look at it-- wondering what should I do wirh it. Whom shall I marry. On one hand, I love Sabrina with all my heart. But, I have this attraction towards Natalie since day one.

Bah! It's so hard!!


[Fall 13- Fall 14, Year Three]

After I finished with my chores on Thursday the fourteenth, I found Vaughn on the beach fishing. He looked at me, and started talking to me.

"Sabrina says that she loves you. Is that true?"

I sighed. I couldn't believe that it was about my problem. My woman problem.

"Oh," I started. "I think-- oh I don't know. I do like her, but as you know I like Natalie as well."

Vaughn had sighed. "I see. I worry about Sabrina, her father--"

I nodded. "I know. Well, which ever one of us gets her, must be her rock. Agreed?"

Vaughn smiled then. "Agreed."


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