Friday, July 12, 2019

My thoughts on Harvest Moon Light of Hope

It's been a few years since since I've posted on this site. A few things have changed (Like Marvelous split with Natsume creating two  very different series- Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons).

Anyway, I picked up Light of New Hope last December due to a steam sale. I still love farming games and since this is the second game I picked up under Natsume's new venture I'd say it's an alright game. The last game I picked up under this  venture was The Lost Valley. I am so glad they added in (or is it back in?) tool upgrades.

There are a few things I don't like about this game:

  • The villagers are so plain-- including the bachelors/ bachelorettes.  
  • I really don't feel so incline to marry but I'm doing it just to finish the story. 

I miss the older Harvest Moon games. I've been playing Harvest Moon GBC 2 (on the 3DS virtual console) and enjoying that more than this game. I want a challenging Harvest Moon something like the original Harvest Moon game where you have  some amount of years until you loose the farm.

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