Friday, July 3, 2020

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

 I can't believe this game is coming out both on PC and Switch. I do want a copy on both systems(why wouldn't I?). But, alas my first copy will be on the switch. I've already pre-ordered my switch [digital] copy. I can't wait to be in the shoes of Claire Anderson again (at least that's the name I gave her).

My head cannon is a little odd for this one. Jack and Claire are cousins. Jack moves to Forget-Me-Not Valley, ahead of his sister and decides to make a life there. He ends up marrying Mary (I guess it would be Marie in the remake?) Claire on the other hand marries Gray. But will I have to change my head cannon?

I'm unsure if this is true, but I heard there's same-sex marriage in my Story of Seasons  game. So maybe I can marry my number one girl?


But, then what about Cliff?

Friday, July 12, 2019

My thoughts on Harvest Moon Light of Hope

It's been a few years since since I've posted on this site. A few things have changed (Like Marvelous split with Natsume creating two  very different series- Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons).

Anyway, I picked up Light of New Hope last December due to a steam sale. I still love farming games and since this is the second game I picked up under Natsume's new venture I'd say it's an alright game. The last game I picked up under this  venture was The Lost Valley. I am so glad they added in (or is it back in?) tool upgrades.

There are a few things I don't like about this game:

  • The villagers are so plain-- including the bachelors/ bachelorettes.  
  • I really don't feel so incline to marry but I'm doing it just to finish the story. 

I miss the older Harvest Moon games. I've been playing Harvest Moon GBC 2 (on the 3DS virtual console) and enjoying that more than this game. I want a challenging Harvest Moon something like the original Harvest Moon game where you have  some amount of years until you loose the farm.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Author Post: Progress on HM3DS

I finished Harvest Moon 3DS. The storyline at least. The last thing that needed to be done/built was the Lavish fountain, which took forever to build. The pearls were the hardest thing to find. Also, I started on collected stuff for the Witch Princesses home.I have everything but the Ancient Clay Figures. And, here I thought the black lumber was going to be the hardest thing to find.

I guess it's time to collect the final blueprints/fragments etc. I want to get everything in the game. Also, I left marriage until after I beat the story line. So, I guess it's time to pick a guy... Neil or Sanjay. Hmm...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Well, I finally bought Harvest Moon GB for the Virtual Console. I got up to Fall of the first year. I am not sure on how the timer really works, because I never played HMGB-- but I did play HMGB3. Anyway, the next game that I'm thinking a diary or blog for is Sunshine Islands. Although, I would like to finish HM3DS. I'm on the final town restoration plan.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Author's Post

So, I've realized that I haven't been posting anything for about three years. I've been focusing more on other things in life-- like school and love. Mostly school. I want to get back into posting Harvest Moon related stuff on this site. Yet, it wouldn't be about Claire and Cliff (mostly because I don't own that game anymore).

Though, I could probably do some write ups on Tree of Tranquility and/or Animal Parade. I am playing through Animal Parade at this point in time. I've played through it once before-- I got to Edge's bell but didn't really have enough people liking me to be able to ring it.

At some point, I would like to play through Tree of Tranquility. But, I want to focus on one game at a time-- or I guess one Harvest Moon game at a time. On the 3DS side, I did pick up ANB early last year (one I'm slowly working through it's story). I've decided that I wanted to finish the story first THEN get married, since I usually stop playing after I get married. Speaking of I should probably play some IoH...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

[SI] Animals

This is the Animal Blog for Sunshine Islands.

[Key: Animal. Birth date. Deceased (if deceased)]

Horse: Nacho. Year One, Summer 29
Dog: Koro. Year One, Fall 02


Uno. Year One, Summer 20
Nadia. Year One, Winter 19


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Author's Post: Sunshine Islands

I bought this today and started right in on it right away. I hadn't expected much because I had disliked the controls for Island of Happiness. I started out as a girl, named Fam. I would have used the main character's real name, but as you know Natsume or whomever localizes the game didn't make enough character spaces for Chelsea's name.

Anyway, I have just been playing leisurely, talking to everyone every "day", and I'm all ready at the end of the first season. I'm enjoying the game as well. I smile every time I talk to Natalie and Sabrina. They were the wife candidates that I chose in Island of Happiness, but Natalie had won Mark's heart. I have no idea who I am going to marry thus far. I haven't met Shea or Will. Plus, the only island I have raised is Link Island--meaning, I only have 008/100 sun stones.